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Jonathan Clemons

"Focusing on the simplicity of just his guitar and voice, Jonathan delivers soulful and heartfelt renditions of traditional country songs, along with a few of his own originals"


My Musical Philosophy

In a world of overproduced over commercialized music, I believe there is a hunger for something simple, genuine and real. I'm just a guy and a guitar, playing you a song that means something to me. I hope you can feel it. 


Music can communicate, thoughts, feelings and emotions that words alone cannot. It can help heal our heart, or bring back cherished memories. 


When I am playing, I am in another place, and when the song is over I come back to Earth. I am not playing the song, I am the song.  I want to make music that connects with people, and makes them feel the way I do when I am playing it. 


As a musician I try to be as genuine and humble as I can.  If you like what I am doing, please come say hi to me at a show, or tell a friend about me. 



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